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Enhance Your Marketing Game Without Stretching Your Budget

The demands on marketers are higher than ever, especially to reduce costs and increase ROI. Learn how outsourcing print marketing execution can help.
Tips for enhancing your marketing game with outsourcing print marketing

The marketing world is changing rapidly, with marketing teams required to capture and keep potential buyers’ attention in an ever-more-crowded landscape. As a result, companies in every industry are looking for ways to step up their efforts and drive more results — without significantly increasing their spend. But nowhere is this more prevalent than in the manufacturing world, where furloughs and budget cuts are putting marketers under pressure to keep costs down and drive significant ROI from their marketing initiatives.

One of the most impactful ways manufacturers have found to raise the bar while lowering costs has been by contracting out their print marketing production and distribution efforts. When a company finds the right partner for the job, the impact can be enormous.

3 Ways Outsourcing Print Marketing Execution Keeps Budgets Under Control

In short, outsourcing print marketing execution empowers manufacturing companies to enhance brand consistency, launch campaigns more efficiently and reach more audiences — all while reducing marketing spend. What does that look like?

One-Stop Shopping

Most manufacturing marketing and procurement leads are juggling contracts, policies, procedures and timelines for multiple vendors in their marketing supply chain. The costs involved with all these vendors add up quickly, and that’s not even taking into account the opportunity cost of all the time your team spends managing logistics rather than focusing on the big picture.

But contracting out marketing supply chain needs to one partner provides a single point of contact for every puzzle piece the marketing lead was once managing alone. So not only are you streamlining processes and leveraging domain expertise through your single vendor’s services; you’re also saving time and controlling costs by working directly with just one vendor instead many.

These same manufacturing marketing and procurement leads who are managing the supply chain on their own are also spending time and money sourcing materials, maintaining equipment and managing logistics. But here again, that outsourced marketing execution partner can take a big load off by taking the reins on all on- and off-site printing and shipping — and all the equipment and personnel that go along with them.

With the right partner, these strategies can help companies save 20 to 30 percent on communication costs — not to mention the value of giving marketing leads back their time and energy for the strategic work that really moves the needle.

Augmented Teams

When you contract out marketing execution, the support you receive shouldn’t be limited to services and supplies — your partner should be able to provide an outside team to come in and manage printing, fulfillment and distribution on your behalf.

From vendor-managed inventory to paper brokerage to print and mailroom management, outsourcing the team that makes it all happen will reduce overhead and human resources costs, further minimizing the back-office gymnastics required to execute on key print marketing campaigns and freeing up employees to focus on the high-level strategies and processes at the core of their jobs.

We’re different. We help maximize production efficiencies and marketing effectiveness – helping procurement and marketing teams – all with a single vendor.

Minimized Waste

One of the biggest opportunities for overspend in marketing execution is in overprinting, resulting in increased printing bills, wasted materials and higher warehousing costs.

But a savvy marketing execution partner can help minimize that waste — and the costs associated with it — through print-on-demand services, flexible run rates and real-time inventory management.

When you can print exactly what you need, right when you need it, and when you have a clear, up-to-date understanding of what’s in your warehouse, you can eliminate printing overages and stock obsolescence while saving costs on bulk printing and warehousing. And, equally important, you can ensure you’re never out of collateral when you need it.

To learn more about whether OneTouchPoint is the right single-source marketing solution for your organization, we invite you to contact us today or request a quote on your next project. Our experts will provide insight and ideas to deliver phenomenal results at a great price.

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