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OneTouchPoint Ranked Among Top Print Providers By Print+Promo For 2015

OneTouchPoint is the third highest selling print provider and direct mail supplier for 2015. Print+Promo’s Top 50 Suppliers of 2015 list is here and like the headline says, OneTouchPoint is the third highest selling print provider and direct mail supplier for 2015. For commercial printing, the news gets even better: OneTouchPoint is number one among the top commercial print suppliers in 2015.

Print+Promo’s Top 50 Suppliers of 2015 list is here and like the headline says, OneTouchPoint is the third highest selling print provider and direct mail supplier for 2015. For commercial printing, the news gets even better:

OneTouchPoint is number one among the top commercial print suppliers in 2015.




Click here to see the full list of the Top 50 Suppliers in the October 2015 edition ofPRINT+PROMO magazine online.


In addition to the lists posted above, Print+Promo also spoke with leaders in the top-earning print companies including OneTouchPoint President, Chris Illman. Here’s an excerpt of the interview:

Print+Promo (P+P): What was your company’s biggest accomplishment over the last year?

Chris Illman (CI): 2015 is a huge year for us. We believe there is a real market need for marketing execution providers who provide personalized, flexible, responsive service with national strength and scale. In response to the opportunity, we have strengthened our leadership team, expanded the depth of our marketing services offering and continued to invest in innovative equipment like the Canon [Océ VarioPrint] i300 inkjet color device. All of these things allow us to deepen our strategic partnerships, while reducing time to market, lowering costs and expanding our single-source capabilities.

P+P: What is your company’s top priority for 2016?

CI: Our top priority is helping companies use our services to grow their business. We want to make communicating easier, more efficent and more effective. With so many channels, cleints and prospects are being bombarded. Companies have to create meaningful interaction to stand apart. Print and promotional items do just that, and when the pieces are part of a comprehensive program and not just a one-off, it truly can transform relationships and behavior.

P+P: What is the industry’s biggest struggle, and can it be fixed?

CI: Awareness––I think it is quality versus quantity. Although print and promo have higher costs than digital channels, they frequently have a higher return-on-marketing investment. The quality of leads, [and] the ability to retain customers and compel action are driving more from print and promo. I think a lot of companies look at how many people they reach––not how many people they are converting––which causes them to miss sales opportunities.

Click here to read the rest of Print+Promo’s interview with OneTouchPoint President, Chris Illman.

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